Archived Articles
Entries for year: 2020

Ontario’s Fall Curbside Battery Collection Returns
October 19, 2020
The Region of Peel kicked off its curbside collection for used household batteries on Monday. Brampton, Mississauga and Caledon are three of 40 Ontario communities taking part in the fall collection to divert household batteries from landfills across the Province.

2019-2020 OSBRC Winners Announced!
June 5, 2020
The Ontario Schools Battery Recycling Challenge created by Raw Materials Company and funded by the battery manufacturers, has announced the 2019 -2020 Challenge winners!

OSBRC Announces Student Mission Gift Card & Great Wolf Lodge Winners!
May 22, 2020
On April 22nd, Raw Materials Company randomly selected five student names to receive a $50 Visa gift card as well as the winner of the Great Wolf Lodge draw!

Kieren of St. Cecilia in Nepean Wins Family Stay at Great Wolf Lodge!
March 2, 2020
On February 18th, the OSBRC randomly selected the winner of the first of two draws for a family stay at Great Wolf Lodge in Niagara Falls. The winner of the first draw was Kieran of St. Cecilia School in Nepean!