Archived Articles
Entries for year: 2017

Community Garden Grows 853 Kilograms of Produce for Port Cares Food Bank!
November 15, 2017
The Lockview Park Community garden wrapped up its first growing season bringing in a bounty of 853 kilograms of fresh, healthy produce to the Port Cares Food Bank.

Curbside Battery Recycling Returns to Ontario Municipalities
November 3, 2017
Recycling rates for single-use batteries have climbed steadily since Stewardship Ontario introduced the Battery Incentive Program in 2011. Last year the Province recycled 49% of the batteries available, tipping the scale at 3,226 metric tonnes.

It's the Little Things that Make Big Things Happen!
July 27, 2017
Since 2013, Connect Hearing has been providing its customers with a convenient service to recycle the small button sized batteries from hearing aids.

OSBRC Makes Donation to SickKids Foundation!
June 20, 2017
On June 21st, a delegation from the Ontario Schools Battery Recycling Challenge (OSBRC) traveled to The Hospital for Sick Children to make a donation to the SickKids Foundation.

Quintilian School Wins Provincial Recycling Challenge!
June 16, 2017
On June 16th, Raw Materials Company of Port Colborne paid a special visit to Quintilian School of Kingston to award them a first-place trophy and a cheque for winning the Ontario Schools Battery Recycling Challenge.

Spring has Sprung at the New Community Garden in Lockview Park
May 25, 2017
The new Lockview Park Community Garden will spring to life on the evening of June 7, 2017 from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. as friends and families gather to sow seeds and enjoy a free bar-b-q by Tender Cuts

RMC Purchases OBS 600 Optical Sorting Machines for Batteries
April 11, 2017
Developed for battery recyclers by REFIND Technologies, the advanced identification and sorting system records the brand and chemistry types of the batteries it sorts, providing market data back to the recycler and its stakeholders.

Honora Wins OSBRC Great Wolf Lodge Family Day Prize Draw!
March 9, 2017
On an unseasonably warm March morning, Wiley the Wolf ventured far from his den to pay a special visit to St. Cecilia Catholic School in Toronto to present a sixth grade student named Honora with a family trip to Great Wolf Lodge!