Batteries can be found in many life saving medical devices. They can act as either a primary or secondary power supply and can be used to retain critical information systems in case of a power failure.
Batteries power portable equipment such as ventilators, defibrillators and pacemakers. They can even keep sensitive medicines or donor blood cool during transportation.
A great deal of maintenance goes into these batteries so that they can be relied upon during times of need without failure.
But what happens to all of these batteries when they reach their end of useful life?
We can provide you with a convenient program to collect and recycle all of your batteries.
We supply 2 and 5 gallon recycling pails and 30 and 45 gallon high visibility drums. We also accept a wide variety of UN certified containers and can provide transportation for any size shipment.
For small quantity generators of batteries, we recommend our Courier Back Battery Program.
Battery Types Accepted
We accept all battery types at our Port Colborne, ON recycling facility.
Waste Management
Environmental 360 Solutions is a licensed collector, transporter, and processor of other lead and mercury bearing wastes such as fluorescent lamps and electronic waste.
Visit waste management and additional services for more information.
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Toll Free: (888) 937-3382
Fax: (905) 835-6824
Environmental 360 Solutions Ltd.
17 Invertose Drive
Port Colborne, ON L3K 5V5
We will put you in touch with a representative that will be able to answer all of your questions.
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Did you know?
Used batteries make up less than 1% of all waste found in municipal landfills. That 1% of batteries is responsible for 88% of all the toxic heavy metals found in the landfill.
Find out more about our technology and how together we are turning waste into a valuable resource.